Faculty Eligible for Pfizer Vaccine Booster

Governor Walz announced that Minnesota will begin administering Pfizer COVID-19 booster shots to Minnesotans who are eligible. This includes faculty at Minnesota State universities. Booster shots are optional and will NOT be mandatory for state employees at this time. 

The booster shot is an important step to ensure that Minnesotans who are at the highest risk receive the best and most thorough protection possible. The Governor is committed to following the science and the advice of public health experts as Minnesotans continue to navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 virus.

In a release, Gov. Walz said, “Our administration will always prioritize the health and safety of Minnesotans — and right now that means getting our highest risk Minnesotan's booster doses to keep their protection strong against the COVID-19 virus. We will begin giving boosters to Minnesotans who are eligible, which will help maximize protection for the most at-risk Minnesotans. We have enough vaccine to administer first, second, and booster doses — and I urge every eligible Minnesotan to take advantage of these easy, safe, and free opportunities to keep yourself best protected against this deadly virus.”

Mn has developed an extensive network of vaccine providers are administering the vaccine, including pharmacies (many of which accept walk-ins), health care systems, community clinics, local public health agencies, and tribal health agencies. There are plenty of ways Minnesotans can get their Pfizer booster shot near them. Those seeking a booster shot can visit mn.gov/vaccine to find a provider near them and schedule an appointment or find a walk-in clinic.

For more information on how to find a booster shot please visit https://mn.gov/covid19/vaccine/connector/connector.jsp